Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The interview with Ed Winkleman at Bad at Sports pod cast is informative for every emerging artist. If you don't have a full hour to hear it all, advance to the 40 minute mark and listen to the last 20 minutes. Ed gives solid advice for emerging artists seeking representation.

Click Ed Winkleman advice for the emerging artist to access his interview at "bad at sports"

and Mary Boone interview to see hear her talk about herself her career in art.


  1. Hey Lynn.

    Do you know if what MB said was true about Brice Marden. Having 7 one man shows and not selling anything? I know he worked for Rauschenberg for a while, but I never would have thought he would have had that much publicity, but that few sales.

    And she doesn't sound like she's just talking about herself. She's speaking about her artists she has been involved in...which was why she was asked to be interviewed.

  2. As I have the utmost respect for Boone who has paved a very successful road for herself with astute intuition and business saavy, ,it was not my intention to paint a conceited picture of her with this wording. So noted about Mary Boone and "herself" and changed to "her career in art".

    As for the Brice Marden shows/no sales and his ability to sustain attention and develope a career, I have no comment. I assume she was truthful here - she would have nothing to benefit by exagerating.

  3. Yeah I would say you are definitely correct about her remarks on Marden.

    And about Boone, as a gallery owner and businesswoman, she is definitely a road paver of all the other woman gallery owners in the world.

    Keep up the great work with the blog. Yours is one of the few I truly enjoy reading.
